Theresa Sheppard, RDA
Theresa is a Registered Dental Assistant, Speaker, Consultant, & Author, with experience in all clinical and administrative aspects of the dental practice. This, coupled with her extensive hands-on experience of over 35 years, including over 25 years as an office administrator, uniquely qualifies her to train dental teams and develop leaders. She trains on Risk Management, HIPAA, Insurance Coding & Billing, Mouth-Body Connection and Implementation Of Tele-Dentistry Services into your practice. Her priority is to protect the clinical and financial integrity of your practice by mitigating risk and increasing profitability.
Theresa’s passion for dentistry and love of teaching merged when she became the Owner and Director of Career Express Dental Assisting School, California Radiation Safety Course Provider, and a Dental Board of California Continuing Education Provider.
Her stand-alone service SnapShots Prevent Mugshots is a virtual way for Providers to discover areas of risk and concerns in their practice and make course corrections if necessary.
Theresa is the Founder and COO of Care 2 U Tele-Dentistry Services. She is dedicated to breaking the barriers between oral care and total health by bridging technology with comprehensive care to deliver oral care services to those without access.

Training programs & presentations
- How Many Felonies Did You Commit Today?
- HIPAA: Highlights Hoopla & Hooey
- Toothbrushes Or Tombstones
- That Was Then, This Is Now – Why We Must Implement Tele-Dentistry Into Our Practices
- You Are An Oral Physician! Now Let’s Convince Our Patients
Professional Qualifications & Affiliations
- Owner and Instructor of Career Express Dental Assisting School
- California Radiation Safety Course Instructor
- California Dental Board Continuing Education Provider
- Author, “Doctor, Who is Profiting From Your Practice?” and various industry publications
- Member of California Dental Association Allied Health Member (CDAAHM)
- Volunteer for the Troop Wellness Pre-Deployment Dental Screenings for the US Military
- Academy Of Dental Management Consultants
- Speaking Consulting Network
- American Academy of Oral Systemic Health
- Dental Codology Consortium
- Beyond Oral Health
- Modesto Holistic Chamber of Commerce
- DIY Digital Dental Consulting
Run, don’t walk to her nearest webinar, workshop or seminar. Or invite Theresa in for a private evaluation/workshop that can recoup your losses.
It’s never too late to correct years old inefficiencies, not to mention avoiding fines for non compliance.”