How Many Felonies Did You Commit Today?

How many felonies did you commit today? It seems like a silly question to ask of a dental practice, doesn’t it?
Yet dental practices commit felonies every day, they just don’t know it. In a practice most felonies that are committed have to do with insurance fraud.
Fraud doesn’t have to be intentional to be prosecuted and auxiliaries are not exempt from prosecution.
Is it worth losing your freedom, let alone risking your license and livelihood by believing your practice is compliant?
That’s why I’m thrilled to share my stand-alone service: SnapShots Prevent Mugshots
In just a few short hours a VIRTUAL Snapshot can identify areas that could not only have a negative impact on your practice, but often reveals thousands of $$Dollars$$ per month in mis-coded, un-billed or un-collected revenue.
Peace of mind couldn’t be easier!

When you work with Theresa Sheppard Solutions, you will be working with experienced dental professionals that are dedicated to helping you optimize the clinical and financial health of your practice.

Theresa Sheppard’s presentations provide the information you need to enhance levels of compliance, risk management, standard of care and patient and practice protection.

A shortage of qualified team members will impact your productivity. Theresa Sheppard Solutions provides training in both clinical and administrative skills to keep your practice profitable.